Policy Brief
- Policy Brief Limitations of the Institutional Framework for the Multi-hazard Risk Assessment and Mapping System in Georgia
- Policy Brief The need to introduce sustainable pasture management in Georgia
- Policy Brief -Encouraging regional cooperation to enhance South Caucasus countries’ climate change adaptation scientific research initiatives
- Policy Brief – Regional Cooperation Enhancement for Climate Change Adaptation Policy and Action Harmonisation and Coordination Among SC Countries
- Regional Cooperation Enhancement for Climate Change Adaptation Policy and Action Harmonisation and Coordination Among South Caucasus Countries
- Policy Brief, Cultural Heritage of Georgia: An Asset for Sustainable Development
- Caucasus Environment Outlook (CEO) 2024
- Mountains adapt solutions from the south caucasus
- Outlook on Climate Change Adaptation in the South Caucasus Mountains. Grid Arendal (2015)
- Cooperation in the European mountains, 2 : Caucasus. IUCN (2000)
- Building Resilience to Climate Change in South Caucasus Agriculture. World Bank (2014)
Reports and Assessments
- Caucasus Regional Research Agenda (C-RRA) 2020-2030
- In-depth assessment of national higher education offer in drm and hazard mapping in south caucasus countries
- Consolidation of the hazard mapping methodology and assessment of the legal framework for its application in georgia
- Analysis of international practices in disaster risk management higher education
- Trade facilitation in the caucasus : final report. world bank (2000)
- Caucasus transport corridor for oil and oil products. world bank (2008)
- Adaptation to climate change in the kura – aras river basin. giz (2010)
- Cleaner transport fuels for cleaner air in central asia and the caucasus
- Drought : management and mitigation assessment for central asia and the caucasus. world bank (2005)