Check out our list of new publications, updated for you every two weeks. Lots to catch up on from the online platform of SNC-mt, that is constantly updated with scientific publications, articles, chapters, book, relevant to the Caucasus Region
- A Post-Soviet Republic in Transition: a Novel Amplification Programme to Address the Crisis of Continuing Medical Education and Challenges Facing Regional Physicians in the Republic of Armenia
- Continuing Medical Education and Continuing Professional Development in the Republic of Armenia: The Evolution of Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks Post Transition
- Violation of the Global Ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabagh: A Viral Amplification of Aggression
- Emergency Systems in the Republic of Armenia: Country in Crisis or Land of Opportunity
- Healthcare in Transition in the Republic of Armenia: the Evolution of Emergency Medical Systems and Directions Forward
- Quality of Inpatient Tuberculosis Health Care in High-Burden Resource-limited Settings: Protocol for a Comprehensive Mixed Methods Assessment Study
- Increased Risk for Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis in Migratory Workers, Armenia
- Barriers for Better Emergency Medical Services in Armenia Trigger Distrust of the General Population Towards Services
- Family-Based Tuberculosis Counseling Supports Directly Observed Therapy in Armenia: a Pilot Project
- Long Ureteric Stricture Replacement By Buccal Mucosa Graft: An Armenian Experience Case Series Report
- Factors Associated With Unfavourable Treatment Outcomes in People With Hiv-associated Tuberculosis in Armenia, 2015 to 2019
- Factors Associated With Unfavourable Treatment Outcomes Among People With Rifampicinresistant Tuberculosis in Armenia, 2014-2017
- Factors Associated With Loss to Follow-Up Among People With Tuberculosis in the Country of Georgia: a Cohort Study
- Risk Factors for Children’s Blood Lead Levels in Metal Mining and Smelting Communities in Armenia: a Cross-Sectional Study
- A Post-Earthquake Psychopathological Investigation in Armenia: Methodology, Summary of Findings, and Follow-up
- Loss and Psychosocial Factors As Determinants of Quality of Life in a Cohort of Earthquake Survivors
- People-Centred Care Versus Clinic–based DOT for Continuation Phase TB Treatment in Armenia: a Cluster Randomized Trial
- Diagnostic Accuracy and Operating Characteristics of the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Checklist in the Postearthquake Population in Armenia
- Predictors of Permanent Emigration in a Long-Term Cohort of Spitak Earthquake Survivors in Armenia
- Studying Spatial-Temporal Changes and Relationship of Land Cover and Surface Urban Heat Island Derived Through Remote Sensing in Yerevan, Armenia
- Sedimentary Response to a Collision Orogeny Recorded in Detrital Zircon Provenance of Greater Caucasus Foreland Basin Sediments
- Role of Ecological Features of Landscapes in the Establishment of Natural and Economic Base of Livestock Across the Greater Caucasus Part of Azerbaijan
- Study of the Soil-Ecological State of the Soils of the Objects of Study on the Example of the Foothill Zones of Azerbaijan in the Lesser Caucasus Under Various Crops